Ryan Kopf's Blog

An energy policy our generation needs.May 3, 8pm

Solar panels can be installed without any concrete or unrecyclable parts. Here's a picture of a ground screw installation - at my mom's house. These solar panels don't require big concrete pads poured, they don't use dangerous chemicals, they're made of aluminum, glass, copper.

The environment is everyone's concernApr 26, 12pm

Can't wait to see you at the next convention. But will there be more anime conventions if we don't do something about the environment. The weather has gotten wild and unpredictable. Pollution is rampant.

How I built a business with just credit cards.Apr 19, 9am

It is almost time for the next anime convention, but today I'm writing you with a little history story. We started AnimeCon.org from nothing. And I am quite lucky to be where I am. Growing up, the concept of 'easy money' was foreign to me.

How To Network As A Young PersonApr 12, 5pm

As I started organizing my anime conventions back in 2010, I've been navigating the entrepreneurial waters for a while now. One thing I've realized along this journey is the undeniable power of networking.

The Minimum Wage is StupidApr 6, 8pm

Before I explain why the minimum wage is stupid, I want to start with an example.

Believe NothingMar 22, 10pm

From the desk of Ryan KopfCEO of AnimeCon.org Hey fellow nerds. If you're anything like me, I bet you spend a lot of time on the internet. Some of it may be productive - computer programming lessons, welding lessons, Japanese language practice, videos of cool hydroponics.

You are being targetted.Mar 16, 3pm

TL;DR: You know that Russia and other governments try to manipulate people online.  But you almost certainly don't how just how effectively orchestrated influence networks are using social media platforms to make you - individually- angry, depressed, and hateful toward each other.

How These Farming Robots May Save You MoneyMar 15, 8pm

Ever wondered how technology can transform your backyard into a money-saving machine. Let me take you through my journey with a FarmBot, a little robot that's doing just that for me. With the cost of groceries skyrocketing, looking for a way to cut down on your food bill without sacrificing quality has got to be important to many people.

Did you know you can grow your own food at home?Feb 23, 8pm

Did you know you can grow your own food at home. If you have enough of a yard, you can. (And sometimes even if you don't have any yard at all.)I can tell you from personal experience that it's not only easy but also incredibly rewarding.

A video game development platform written in RustFeb 2, 2pm

It's no secret that I'm a nerd. Obviously I must be, since my main job is running anime conventions. I love anime, video games, manga, and all that fun nerdy stuff. So, since I am also a computer programming, that must mean I'm interested in game design, right.
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